Ring ring


This program can work ONLY on phones with MIDP2.0 support. Internet(WWW)-profile in your phone is also must be set.

Now supports:
1. Browsing site within subfolders.
2. Creating, deleting and renaming of folders and files.
3. Editing of pure WML, HTML, xHTML, CSS, JS, WMLS, XML code and TXT files on server or at your phone by extended text editor which can edit large files (limited only by your phone memory).
4. Using of internal text editor.
5. Both text editors supports UTF-8 and Cp1251 encodings and work with text buffer.
6. Editing of WML, HTML and xHTML pages by block editor.
7. Creating of text templates, which are accessible in all editors.
8. Viewing of files by internal phone browser.
9. Viewing of small images.
10. Internal file manager, that works with 4 types of filesystems(FS) - JSR-75, Siemens, Motorola ( with installed pat-file ) and virtual FS for phones without possibility to work with FS (in this case all stored files are removed after reinstalling a program and tiny capacity is available for saving your files :( ).
11. Copying of files between filesystems and site in both ways.

PS. After installing this program don't forget to allow midlet to write into FS of your phone.

The wExplorer_en.jad
The wExplorer_en.jar (175Kb)

Download with hard setted filesystem:
The wExplorerJSR75_en.jad (Recommended for new SonyEricsson Platform 6 or upper)
The wExplorerJSR75_en.jar

The wExplorerSIEMENS_en.jad
The wExplorerSIEMENS_en.jar

The wExplorerMOTOROLA_en.jad
The wExplorerMOTOROLA_en.jar

The wExplorerRMS_en.jad
The wExplorerRMS_en.jar

Perhatian !!!
Jangan pernah sekali-kali menyimpan file yang berbau pornografi di wen.ru apalagi pornografi yg melibatkan kanak2,pelajar,ataupun ABG,(kidds,students,teens,teenagers,young,etc). baik itu file berntuk,foto,3gp,jpg,jpeg,ma,gif,avi,mp3, ataupun link yg mengacu pada pornografi.. JIKA domain, kamu tidak ingin di delet !!

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